Tuesday, 10 February 2009

* Lurve * From Dottie

Lots of Love from Dottie for this weeks Dotties World Challenge of *Lurve* Not the most romantic of cards, but one I will be able to use for a birthday, plus it fits the Colour Create Sunday Challenge as well. This was for a card in Peach & Aqua with an option to use DIY Flowers. With poetic licence & stretching the imagination perhaps my buttons with ribbon look a bit like flowers!!


Faye said...

Oooh, this is so cute. Great card for the color scheme.

Claire Mackaness said...

She's Luuurvly mummy! Your coming on great guns. it must be the private tuition your recieving!!

Karen Mortensen said...

It's a great card and Dottie looks delightful in blue with glittery wings. Thank you for joining our challenge x

Heather said...

Great card Christine. Lovely use of the colours and I love that Dottie - she looks like she's about to caste a spell on someone.
Thanks for joining us at Colour Create.
hugs Hether xx

Sharon Traynor Designs said...

This is adorable Christine. Beautifully coloured image and perfect colours for the challenge. Thanks for joining the Colour Create Challenge.
Sharon xx

Louly said...

Aw how sweet! Beautiful card.xxx

Chris said...

Beautiful Christine and surely those buttons are flowers LOL! Such a cute Dottie and your colouring is gorgeous, love the layout too. Chris x