Friday, 5 April 2013

Week 1 - Granny Square Challenge

Firstly I guess I should start by saying, "Welcome Back"!!  It looks as if I have not blogged since July 2009 (woops).

There are a number of reasons for this, but I think most importantly is that I have been quite heavily involved in helping my daughter Claire set up her new craft classes business and enjoying my Grandchildren (We had a new arrival back in 2011 of little Isobel).

Not just that but I had no time to surf the web and subsequently missed out on all the challenges that used to spur me on, so I was delighted when Claire decided to set up a Granny Square challenge on her blog at Beautiful Things.

I have recently got back into crochet after enjoying some of Claires many classes and have often wanted to get started on a slightly bigger project.  I have now signed up to a 6 week kickstarter programme where I will be following Claires 6 square mass production system and committing to at least 6 squares a week for 6 weeks.

So here is week 1:

My wool arrived on Wednesday of this week so I have had to work quickly to get my 1st squares complete by the challenge week end of Friday.

So far I have completed my first 6 squares and am well on the way to finishing off my 2nd set.  I have set myself a personal goal for next week to have another 3 sets completed by next week.  Watch this space to see how I go....................

 Why don't you join in too?  Your welcome to join in at any point along the way.  (Details here) With this rather unusual 'spring' weather (can you see the snow in this picture) it's the perfect time to get hooky with a cuppa and a slice of cake.


kirsty coles said...

Love your colour choice christine! ..i now have "learn to crochet" on my bucket list! :) kirsty

Claire Mackaness said...

You've done really well Mum, the colour choices are lovely, thanks for taking part in my challenge

Diane Kelsey said...

Lovely colour choice, I have bought 21 different colours of DK, but no yellow, I think i might have to add it to my colllection.

Christine Phillips said...

Thanks ladies for your comments. And yes Diane, I felt the yellow just added a touch of brightness

donna said...

Lovely... beautiful colors!

donna said...

Lovely... beautiful colors!

Diane Kelsey said...

Which shade of yellow did you use? Also what shade is the top left hand ball of wool, it looks like rust, but I didn't see that colour on Stylecraft chart?